Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day 6

This is Deanne typing for dad again...Monica and I came during our lunch because mom is working today.

Fairly good night last night, decent sleep about 5 hours uninterrupted (diarrhea free). Midnight it started again. I was up every 30 minutes going to the bathroom. Last night I got platelets, and some other junk for electrolytes. I'm getting platelets every 12 hours whether I like it or not. Saw the doctor this morning and they are giving me lasix because I'm retaining fluids in my feet. Getting methtrexate this afternoon and day 11 (a small dose of chemo) that helps prevent GVHD, this also gives mouth sores...once the white blood cells start coming up, that will help with the mouth sores. The doctor says that the mouth sores are from a virus, not the chemo. So I'm taking medicine for the virus, can't recall the name of it right now.(Acyclovir)

I'm getting the opium 4 X a day, it's the nastiest tasting stuff I've had. It has to be taken orally. But, it seems to be doing the trick and slowing down the occurances of diarhea. Mom talked to the pharmacist at her hospital and based on the symptoms they said that it's the right treatment.

The mouth sores are making it hard to talk and eat or drink anything. His feet look like (these are his words) Fat Albert' least he's making jokes still!

Red blood cells: 24.3 Platelets: 17 White Blood Cells: 30


  1. I laughed again reading what I wrote!! This is what I'm doing while waiting to get Mikey sad!
    I'm glad I was able to see you, even though it's hard right now. Now that I know what your "spitting" is, I should be a little better...but you know I'm like you and can't even look at your port/line! To think that I was gonna try and be a nurse! haha! Well, have a good sleep tonight (if you can) and let Monica and I know if you need anything or want company...we're willing to come see you as much-or as little-as you want, you're the boss right now.
    Love you (lots and lots foreva and eva--that's from Mikey)!!
    De and Mikey

    (ps--to everyone--sorry for typos in the blog, I know I had a couple)

  2. I get sad knowing about all the pain you're in from the sores top to bottom. Keep on trucking! My thoughts and prayers are with you! I saw darling pictures of Paxton on Facebook. Michelle and Todd look like doting parents.
