Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day 3

I was waiting for my secretary Deanne to arrive and dictate this to her but she and Monica can not come today since Monica is sick. Since I have no white cells it is dangerous to be exposed to someone sick. Deanne has been around her so she is protecting me also.

I had a good night last night. I am now taking Imodium for the diarrhea. It really helped last night and I finally got a decent sleep. A new problem started. I have some small mouth sores from the chemo. They are pretty insignificant but one seems to be near where I swallow food so it is making eating difficult. I am eating soft food and liquids.

Blood counts: Platelets 3, white blood cells 180, red blood cells 21.9. These counts entitled me to 2 units of blood and one of platelets. One interesting thing is that they give me o- blood now since I will transition from a- to b+ during this process. O- is the universal donor. I saw the doctor this morning and he said that I am doing great. Of course I do not feel like I am doing great. He says how you are feeling and how you are doing are different in this case. Small consolation as I sit on the toilet with a sore rear and can't swallow.

Today has been pretty good. Some diarrhea action this morning controlled by Imodium. Nanette & I watched the afternoon General Conference on the lap top. Walking in the hall for 10 minutes about wore him out. Jeff is up around in the bedroom for a little bit, then he sleeps for 15-30 min. I told him that is what I tell my patients to do. ..Be busy, then rest. His attitude is pretty good. He got a dose of methotrexate this afternoon and is still on antibiotics. Doing laundry is a daily occurrence around here. No worries though as it is just down the hall. It is shower time now and then he is going to try iv pain meds--fentanyl--to help him eat some dinner without pain. He is nervous about doing that, but the nurse and I convinced him that to eat and not have pain is better than worrying about falling. I will be in the room the whole time to monitor him and make sure he doesn't fall. That's all for now. Sionara Love to you!!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you were able to catch a session of conf. I know I felt comforted and motivated to be better by listening to the brethren.

    Hang in there Jeff! You will get through this and when you look back on this whole experience you'll be able to say it was worth it. You can beat this! Grow good little cells, grow.

    You, Nanette and the girls are in my thoughts and prayers. Love you all!
