Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day 13

Sorry for no update sooner. The internet isn't working at the hospital and I just got home. Maybe a hold on the discharge as Jeff is experiencing a lot of diarrhea and abdominal problems. The dr today seemed a little more hesitant to let him go home. They are going ahead with the discharge teaching though for both of us. All of his prescriptions have been called in and I am to pick them up tomorrow and bring them to the hospital so the pharmacist and nurse can go over each one with us, tell us the reason it is being given, how important it is to be given on time....We will have to bring all of his medications to the office visits the first month to let them know we know what we are giving/taking, when and why. They had Jeff go down for an abdominal xray today and did some more lab work. Otherwise, he is taking a lot of his medications by mouth even though his throat is sore. They also started a calorie count today to make sure his intake is adequate. Liquids are still the easiest thing for him to tolerate. Ensure and milkshakes are his best friends at the moment. We'll let you know more tomorrow. Don't have his counts with me at this time, but I know his ANC went down some. We need the dr to be a little more forth coming to talk with us and let us know the plan. He is from New Zealand and has a thick brogue. Nice enough, but doesn't talk much. At this stage in the game, words that they say are really important to both a patient and family. Those are the things we hold onto. Thanks for all of your love and support!!

Blood counts: Platelets=23, red blood cells=25.8 , white blood cells ANC=350


  1. Well, hopefully he continues to improve and you get all the teaching down while you wait :) I'm praying lots for you guys and hope that things keep getting better. Miss you :)
    PS-this is brooke

  2. I'm praying for you and thinking of you every spare minute I get in the day. Love you and your family.

  3. Suggestion: Take a small tape recorder with you and record doctor hospital and office visits visits, nursing instruction, etc. Review and then can ask questions about issues not clear and provides good review later on. Jeff might have been doing this prior to hospital stay. If not I can help arrange to get one if needed. Don't come home until 100 % ready and don't stay one minute longer when ready! Larry
