Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day -4

No problems last night. I got lights out by 11:30PM and woke up for good at 7:15AM. I did not get any blood products last night but I am getting close on the red blood cells. They said to expect a transfusion tonight. They transfuse when below 24 and I am at 24.4.

Blood counts. Platelets=27 White blood cells=3.1 Red blood cells=24.4.

I was disturbed from my sleep a few times due to the fluids and a full bladder. The machine also beeped at 3AM and 6AM so it is tough to get much uninterrupted sleep. I will try and get a nap today. I am getting my morning chemo treatment this morning. No insulin shot since I go right back into the normal range once the steroids wear off. I did get steroids again this morning as a premed before chemo. The premeds and chemo are exactly the same as the last two days.

I saw Dr Rifkin this morning. He says I am doing great and to keep up the exercise and good attitude. Lungs are still clear and he will order some lasix since I have gained 3 pounds of water weight. I walked for 25 minutes this morning and have been averaging 75 minutes a day.

Nanette is supposed to arrive about 10AM and she will do my laundry. They have a washer and dryer near the family room area. I get blood drips on my shirts when they change the lines. They try hard to avoid them but it is tough. I will also get the dressing taken off my line today and get to take a shower. We are going to do it when Nanette gets here so we are both trained on taking care of the new line. It is nice since there is no pain involved to access it. Monica and company are going to come after 2PM so I can hopefully get a short nap in before they come. The grand kids can not come on the floor but I can put on a special mask, gloves, and robe to go to the family room and see them. We are not limiting adult visits since my white blood counts are still good. We will most likely limit visits one they drop dangerously low which is part of the transplant procedure.

All my visitors have gone. Monica, Deanne, Jeremiah, Brendan & Mikey came by for a couple hours. The kids were not allowed in the room and I had to wear a special mask to see them. All the adults were allowed in the room since they were not sick but they had to be gowned and gloved. The dressing on my line came off and I got to shower. They showed me how to clean the line and I will try to do it tomorrow with Nanette's help. The doctor increased my lasix dose so I have been going to the bathroom alot. So far a pound of weight has come off. We have been watching basketball today on TV. I am going to order dinner then go out and walk for my last 15 minutes today. I still need to read the news paper. I thought that I would be bored here but I seem to be keeping busy. I took a 30 minute nap this afternoon between bathroom runs.

I just got my last chemo for the day started at 08:30PM so I should be done around 11:00PM tonight. The nurse said that if I need blood she will start it around 4AM so I will get some sleep before she has to do it. Hopefully I will not need it but I am very close so will probably get red blood cells tonight. That's it for today.


  1. Jeff,

    Glad to hear that all is going well. That was nice that you got so many visitors today. You sure are keeping busy. We had a nice day today and we get another winter storm tomorrow. It has been a crazy weather year in Utah but we should have plenty of water this summer. Take care.

    Love, Ken, Karen and Kids

  2. Oh man, 4am does not sound like fun. I'm glad everyone got to come see you today, and that you are staying busy. That's important.
    Love you and miss you.
